Saturday, October 31, 2009




Malang is the second largest city in East Java province, Indonesia and will be established as the fourth largest city in Indonesia in 2008. It has an ancient history dating back to the Mataram Kingdom. The city population at the present time is around 1.5 million, and the population of the urban area is 2 million. The total population is therefore around 3.5 million. During the period of Dutch colonization, it was a popular destination for European residents. The city is famous for its cool air and the surrounding country regions of Tumpang, Batu, Singosari, and Turen. People in East Java sometimes call it "Paris van East Java." Malang was spared many of the effects of the Asian financial crisis, and since that time it has been marked by steady economic and population growth.

The name of Malang is taken from a temple namely Malang Kucecwara. The name of the temple is now applied to the motto of Malang. Malang Kucecwara literally means God has destroyed the false and enforced the right. Location of the temple is supposesedly located near modern Malang.[1] But in modern Indonesian, Malang means "unfortunate", it's not related to Malang's etymology.


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